Far West English Consulting

Founded in 2010,

Far West provides English training

and language services to individuals and

businesses in Taiwan and across Asia. 


Individual and Group training

Customized service committed to your needs

English Marketing, Copywriting and Translation

Put your products in front of a global audience.

Test Preparation

Total Solutions for IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT

Professional English Coaching and Career Advancement Training

Getting you prepared for your future.

Curriculum Design Consulting

For English Cram Schools


Paul老師非常成熟穩重,具有豐富的社會經驗,適合成人課程。從職場書信寫作到留學各式考試(GRE、IELTS)及文件(statement of purpose、Linkedin profile等)準備,全面指導我到赴美的生活事宜。 ” - 學生 (Jan. 11, 2016)

“Paul is an excellent teacher. His teaching is well-organized and can point out your drawbacks in learning English immediately.” (Jun. 25, 2015)

“Dave is really professional.” (May. 13, 2015)

“成熟有見地的老師,給予學生全方位的指導,適合成人及職場英語。” (Oct. 1, 2013)

“他是我在台灣遇過最好的外師,我個人有經歷超過十個外師的經驗,如果很幸運能夠敲的到他的時間,Dave會是你最好的選擇!!” (Jun. 22, 2014)

“Paul is a patient teacher and has a good teaching attitude.” (Jul. 28, 2014)

“Dave is a nice, humorous and patient teacher. He can always find my general mistakes and correct me right away.” (May. 7, 2012)

“上課教材因應時事,能依據個人需求而調整,幾堂課下來收獲良多,比起以前上補習班坐上三小時,卻只能學到些許個人所需大有不同。” (Mar. 10, 2012)

“很能用淺顯易懂的方式教文法, 並對發音及句子文法正確性很要求, 但又用很輕鬆無壓力教學方式, 適合初學者或擔心自己英文能力不佳者, 能在一次次上課中建立信心並有顯著的進步!” (Aug. 2, 2013)

“Paul can provide very professional service with lots of useful tools. He's the best.” (Jul. 30, 2013)

“Dave made a good impression on me. He has his own special way to teach, specifically for speaking.” (Aug. 14, 2009)

“是一位很積極且教學很有彈性的好老師,讓本來完全不敢開口說英文的我變得有信心說英文了.除了英文以外,老師也提供了許多多實用的資訊.對即將要去英語系國家求學或工作的學生很有幫助。” (Nov. 4, 2011)

“和藹幽默,能在輕鬆的氣氛中進行教學。有效幫助學生慢慢修正文法和發音上的不足。” (Aug. 4, 2012)

“老師非常有耐心,會針對學生的興趣、專業以及未來發展來挑選出教材,老師也會挑出你的問題,針對問題去解決!就算下課後,老師也會不斷的與學生聯絡,保持良好關係!是一位極力推薦的好老師!”  (Aug. 7, 2011)

“Dave是個很好相處而且很隨和的老師。自己有製作教材,內容豐富且對於英文能力的增進有很大的幫助。很好溝通,且會依照學生的需求做課程上的調整喔!^^ 是個很棒的老師,很推薦喔。” (Apr. 13, 2009)

“Paul is a great/experienced teacher. He is knowledgeable and prepares excellent material based on your personal requirements.” (Apr. 9, 2012)

“Dave幫助我們團隊在工作上的需求,不是制式的刻板需求,能夠針對我們團隊所需而調整,不是在一般補習班能得到的服務!” (Mar. 2, 2012)

“Dave is very friendly and patient! He helped me prepare for the TOEFL iBT test well.” (Oct. 29, 2008)

“教師授課認真,能考量學生個別需求協助規劃適切的教學內涵,並且適度融合心理學的學習原理,提升學生的學習成效。”  (May. 24, 2010)

“Dave is a great teacher because he has a lot of patience.” (Jun. 2, 2008)

“Paul is the most well-prepared, professional, get-to-the-point and nice teacher I've ever met.” (Nov. 4, 2008)


Dave Germain

Dave Germain


Dave has spent most of his career in education and professional training. He believes that using technology to learn languages is one of the keys to success and that English education is acheived through the improved application of relevant strategies and techniques in successfully acquiring English fluency. 

Before language training in Taiwan, Dave worked in Information Security for several major Canadian banks and has degrees in both Computer Science and Math from the Unviersity of Waterloo. Since coming to Taiwan, he has developed curriculm, and taught English to individuals and businesses. 

Paul Santone

Paul Santone


Paul has worked for more than 10 years in Taiwan and across Asia helping companies and indiviuals achieve their educational and professional goals. He is dedicated to improving English education in Asia and passionate about the career development of his clients. He believes that confidence is one of the main factors for success in English as a Second Language. He has written and published English curriculum, trained many professionals from a variety of industries, and helped many people successfully go abroad to study at foreign universities.

Before coming to Taiwan, Paul did research for hospitals in Canada and has a degree in Psychology from the University of Waterloo. Since coming to Taiwan, he has been focused on helping and motivating people to achieve their goals.